Nattaro Scout™ Detection trap
On this page, we list all related documents to Nattaro Scout™ detection trap, which attracts bed bugs with a unique lure just as an infestation has started and thus is difficult to detect. For more information about how it works, visit the page Detection trap - Nattaro Scout™.
Related documents - Swedish
Nattaro Scout Introduktion - SE
Nattaro Scout Användarmanual - SE
Nattaro Scout Produktfakta - SE
comparative study
A comparative study of three active bed bug detection traps/monitors: Trap A, Trap B and Nattaro Scout
This study evaluates three active bed bug traps under semi-natural conditions: one glue trap with a harbourage pheromone (Trap A), Two pitfall traps, one with a lure imitating human scent (Trap B), and Nattaro Scout with a harbourage pheromone. The study was performed with the same active lure over a three-week long period, during which bed bugs were exchanged each week and the positions of the removed bed bugs noted.