Tips for those renting out their home

Bed bugs have become a particular concern for many landlords. Renting out one’s home is nothing new; people have been doing it for years. However, with today’s new technology, it has become much easier to rent out your home. This, however, has led to many landlords experiencing bed bug infestations. Renting out your home can be both profitable and rewarding, but it also involves responsibilities and risks. Here, we share tips on how to prevent bed bug infestations and what to do if you suspect your home has been infested.


Preventive measures against bed bugs when renting out your home

Maintaining your home in good condition is a major responsibility when renting it out. One significant concern for many landlords is the risk of bed bugs, which can quickly spread and become difficult to eradicate. However, there are several preventive measures that can reduce the risk of infestation.

Firstly, thoroughly inspect the property when a tenant moves out and before a new one moves in. Check beds, furniture, and other potential hiding spots for bed bugs to detect problems early. You can also place bed bug traps to easily monitor for infestations.


Secure Your Home with Bed Bug Protection:

Nattaro Safe™ (sold as InsectoSec Tape in the UK) is a patented protection containing diatomaceous earth, a substance that dehydrates and kills bed bugs. Diatomaceous earth is harmless to humans and pets and is the only substance that bed bugs are not resistant to. Pest control companies use diatomaceous earth for extermination. By installing Nattaro Safe™ in your home, you get proactive protection against bed bugs, reducing the risk of infestations and costly extermination.

You can buy Nattaro Safe™ bed bug protection from:

🇬🇧🇮🇪UK & Ireland (opens in a new window)

🌐Other countries (find a reseller)


Signs of bed bugs and what to do if you suspect an infestation

Renting out your home can sometimes lead to unexpected problems, such as getting bed bugs after tenants have lived there. By being vigilant and proactive, you can minimize the risk of long-term problems and keep your home safe and secure.

Always inspect the property thoroughly after a tenant moves out. Check beds, mattresses, and furniture, especially in cracks and seams, to detect problems. Pay particular attention to blood stains on sheets or black spots that may be bed bug feces. If you find signs of bed bugs, stay calm but act quickly. Contact a professional pest controller for assessment and measures.

Unfortunately, individual bed bugs are extremely difficult to detect, which means bed bugs can multiply quickly, and the problem can grow significantly before you see clear signs. A good tip for early detection is to place bed bug traps that help you easily see if you are affected.


Detect Bed Bugs Early with a Bed Bug Trap:

Nattaro Scout™ consists of a mechanical trap with a replaceable lure. This lure is made of a unique blend of bed bug pheromones that simulate the scent of a bed bug hideout/aggregation (bed bug nest). The scent will attract all stages of live bed bugs that may be in the room, including females, males, and various stages of nymphs. The bed bugs can climb into the trap but cannot get out. Once inside, they are caught.

You can buy Nattaro Scout™ bed bug traps from:

🇬🇧🇮🇪UK & Ireland (opens in a new window)

🌐Other countries (find a reseller)